I---Mr. Robert Trenton to Mr. Jack Brockden
If you could observe me now, you would see how
I nearly tremble as I write this---yet ‘tis not in groveling self-abasement,
but in mighty ecstasy, that I quake so to relate my latest debauch to you. I believe you are acquainted some with the industrious cleaning-lady
who attends to my apartment twice a week. No doubt you remember the maid Consuela
Muñoz performing her aproned offices around the house. Though it may be
regarded as unseemly for us to be taking such notices of our house-cleaners--better
that we pretend they are not in the room with us—yet ‘tis no where written that
the Master of the house should also be ignoring their beautiful daughters, or
as the Spanish prefer to call them, hijas
preciosos. For Juliana Muñoz is indeed the charmingest and prettiest young lady
I have ever laid my eyes upon---and a true-blue virgin---at least until
now she was.
Her age---but what care I for her age when the subject is Cupid’s capricious arrows; suffice
it to say that Juliana Muñoz is old enough to be in high school, where, you
will be pleased to hear, she is a most promising student, which her mother, in
her broken English, communicated to me.
It chanced that I met Juliana when her mother had carried
her to work on some occasions. Juliana
allowed me to keep her company; at first only in the presence of her mother; and
then once permitting me to entertain her in my private chamber. For as I am a gentleman
with a fortune---handsome in fortune and in appearance--and she but a
working-class wench, shall you blame her mother for trusting me alone with her daughter?
Mind you, the maid Consuela is just barely able to make herself understood in
English. Make that two private occasions actually, the last one being but
few hours ago; upon which occasion I unloosened her virgin
Indeed, I have plundered the treasures of Juliana
Muñoz’s body. I have made Juliana into a woman, or as the Latin races might
call her now, Signora Muñoz.